Thursday, January 2, 2014

string quilts

There are lots of different ways of making string quilts and here's one way we do it with our Binky Patrol group.  Just sew strings (different widths of fabric that are long and skinny) together that are about 10 1/2 inches.  Then, make a block that measures 10.5 inches square.  Sew those into a quilt top, add a border and quilt.  This one is about 60x80 inches.  Great for any size person.  Little people can cover themselves and big people can cover most of their bodies, great for snuggling up on the couch and watching tv with.  This one has mostly dark colors so is great for a guy.  You can try to control the colors or just choose randomly which strip of fabric to sew next.  These take a while to sew because you are using such small bits of fabric, but they are great when you have a lot of people and lots of leftovers.  I have several of these quilt tops to work on the next few days.  You will get to see a variety of quilts done with strings.

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