This one is called Posh by Chez Moi, which is the fabric line, not really the pattern name so if you try to search for just the pattern, you will come up with a whole bunch of really pretty fabrics.
These are my quilting companions. When I get up to move rooms, they follow me. As soon as I sit down to sew, they plop themselves down on top of the loveseat and fall asleep. Until I bother them with taking their picture, or a leaf moves
outside. Then, they wake up and bark.
Here is a shot of one of the treasures I got yesterday from a wonderful lady who gave me a whole bag of fabric. I will share more pictures of that later, but these are just too cute!

I decided that I really, really needed to make a quilt for my friend at work who is battling breast cancer. She was diagnosed in August and has undergone a mastectomy and is already back at work. She took some time off for reconstructive surgery and I believe will be back when we come back on Monday.
I'm not sure if I will get this done by then, but it will get done and given when the time is right.
So far, I have spent an hour cutting the fabric and about an hour sewing. I have one more hour to go (since I am half way done with the blocks--although I think I cut about twice what I need) and then there is the quilting and binding. I am guessing about 5 hours for this quilt.
I also have to get the quilt done for my other friend by Monday. I need to stop procrastinating, put on my heavy winter coat and get in the garage and get quilting! Once I get out there, things will go quickly, but it is the getting myself out there that is taking so long :)

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