Let me start by saying this is not my original idea. I got the idea from Alycia at Alycia Quilts on the left sidebar. Check out her website and help her make a Quilt of Valor! She has a goal of 400 quilts by next May. She has about 200 of them now (130 are quilted) and could use all of the help she could get. When I asked her how she made quilts with her kids, she told me what she did. Since I like to see things as well as read about them, I thought it might be nice to share with everyone in words and pictures how I took what she told me and applied it to the quilts I made with my son's preschool class. I also learned a thing or two on my own that might help you avoid one of the biggest problems I had with these quilts.
1. Prewash your muslin fabric. Don't try to wash a whole 25 yard bolt at one time. Cut it into manageable size pieces, maybe 1 yard each, but not tiny squares either. Dry it in the dryer on the hottest setting. You want it to do all of its shrinking before you get started. I made a nap mat cover for my son and didn't wash the muslin first. The muslin shrank way more than the other fabric I used and now it is all wonky and crooked. It is only a nap mat cover and nobody really cares, but for a quilt, you don't want your muslin squares shrinking tons and making the quilt all crooked.

7. When the kids are all done drawing, turn the paper/muslin squares fabric side down onto a brown paper grocery sack. Iron them to get the excess crayon off and to set the crayon into the fabric. Do not use the same part of the grocery sack over and over because the crayon will just go back onto the fabric if you do. Move the sack around for each square that you iron. Be careful not to iron too long or you will burn the paper! Also be careful because the paper gets really hot and holds the heat longer then you might think. I burned my fingers a couple of times trying to move the squares off the ironing board.
8. When you are ready to sew, peel off the fabric from the muslin and sew just like you would any other fabric. Make sure you aren't sewing the squares upside down ;)

10. If you would like to make one of these for QOV, please make them 4 blocks by 5 blocks so they are big enough for the wounded soldiers. You can send them to Alycia for her QOV project at the address listed on her blog. You can even make a quilt top and she will do the quilting for you. Think of how much fun it would be to try this with your child's class. Have each child draw a picture, thanking a soldier for their service to our country, or a picture of what it means to be an American.
I'm going to have my son's 6th grade class do this. I can't wait to see what they come up with.
Thanks for the tutorial.
It would be great for older children to do this on Veteran's Day and then give the finished quilts to Quilts of Valor.
What a great project. And I can see you explaining to kids how to stay away from the edges. I did an adult project--and even they wanted to write clear to the edge!
I love this idea. Would this work with colored pencils for older kids?
WOW! That's exactly what I've been wanting to make for my daughter's 1st grade teacher. I was concerned with the crayons. Would it be ok if the quilt was washed?
Thanks for the tutorial, I would of never though to back it with muslin and the paper.
This is Connie again, I'm in the process of making the quilt for my daughter's teacher like this. Can you tell what size the muslin square is?
Thanks again for the step by step instructions.
This is a great idea. I would like to use this crayon technique with my class, to make a farewell quilt for our much loved principal.How does the wax crayon stand up to washing..does it fade over time? Or do you think it would it be best to use fabric crayons?
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This tutorial is great. I do have a tip on the edges of the blocks. Tape the edges of each block with painters tape. Do about a 1/2" around. Then peel off after the students have colored their picture, etc. Before you iron!
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