Free Digitized Quilting Designs by North Hills Quilter

I'm enjoying designing simple digitized quilt designs for my qbot on the 5D Quilt Design Creator program.  I'm happy to share them with you in the .qli format on my google drive page.  If you would like a different format, please let me know.  I can save in several different formats.

If you find something especially useful and would like to make a donation towards my charity quilting efforts, you can send quilt tops, batting or backing fabric that I will happily quilt and donate to one of the many charities I work with.  I'm the area coordinator for Vacaville Binky Patrol and we work with kids in crisis.  I also quilt for Margaret's Hope Chest, Layers of Hope, Quilting 911 and my local quilting guild, NorthWinds.

Quilting is an expensive hobby, but it's cheaper than therapy!

Happy Quilting!


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