Wednesday, November 17, 2010

7 more last night

I was able to cut out 7 more quilt kits last night after work. (that makes a total of 35 so far)Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I didn't get even a tiniest bit of a headache all day! Praise God! hooray! So, I cut fabric. I cut before dinner, while cooking dinner, after dinner, while helping my little one do homework. Really, it doesn't take long to cut these quilt kits.

This morning, I cut more. I think 3 more kits and about 8 partial kits. I'm going to have this fabric cut into kits before I start my vacation on Friday. Well...maybe. Tonight is the craziest night ever. Each person in my family has something different to do! I'm not quite sure how we are all going to get everything done.

My husband and daughter have to be at a tennis party. My husband is the coach and has to give the speeches and awards and my daughter gets to eat pizza and hang out with friends. They are taking the little one along. I have to go to an award dinner for the minigrants I wrote this year. The dinner is super great and they give out raffle prizes so it is an exciting night.

My son is the president of the National Junior Honor Society and they are having an induction ceremony tonight. He has to run the whole thing and give a speech. I just wish I could be there to watch him. Everyone has to be picked up and I just hope nobody gets left behind anywhere!

I have to run out after school and pick up the presents for the coaches and get the cookie dough that we bought as well. We also have a staff meeting after school. Is there anything else that needs getting done today?

Crazy! Good thing I got some fabric therapy in this morning! We have a common planning day today, which means I don't have to be at work until 8am instead of 7:20, so I had a few extra minutes to play this morning. Now, off to get the kids ready and fed.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

If I lived closer, I take some of those kits off of your hands and do some sewing.

Glad to hear that you had a headache-free day.