SO, the elusive search for the Accuquilt Go! cutter. I'm not going to say if I found it, because it is supposed to be a Birthday/Christmas present, but let me tell you the search that happened...and leave you in suspense.
The sale at JoAnn's started at midnight Eastern time, which is 9pm my time. I went online around 8:30pm and found out there was free shipping. Wow, great, I would not have to brave the dark and cold to stand in line to get the one cutter in the store this morning. I would just sit in my comfy chair and click away and get my cutter. Well, at 9:01pm I checked again, and there was a friendly message on the website saying they were busy working on changing things for their great sale and to please be patient as they made those changes, but while waiting please visit their Facebook page. I clicked over there and you would think the world had come to an end.
The griping and complaining on the Facebook Friends page went on for pages. I'm thinking Joann's has more complainers than friends. With all of the world troubles, the computer having issues really is a little problem. These people were talking about computer issues from last year still! You would think they were starving children in Africa or something. I can't get my cricut! I can't get my fabric! My cart just emptied! I was going to spend $300 and now you can't have my money! Wow!
So, I checked the Joann site again and they were indeed down. Ok, so I might have to check again before going to bed. No big deal. I can wait, or not get the Accuquilt cutter. I'm not going to die if I don't get it. I might just have to cut with a rotary cutter, or 'gasp' cut with a pair of scissors! Oh, no! Call the president!
So, I went up to bed and had my hubby check the internet every hour or so to see if the site was back up. I had a migraine and we watched a couple of shows and around 11 I called it quits. I figured I'd have to get up early. He stays up really late and said he would check for me a couple more times before he went to bed.
He woke me up at 1:30am and said the site was up and running. I got him the free shipping code and left him and went back to sleep. He was reading all of the reviews and it didn't look too positive because he said most of them were negative.

This morning when I got up, I did make it to JoAnn's. I wanted to get some batting. Their batting is 50% off and they had the early bird special of 20% off everything on top of that (which means it was 60% off--weird math) and I like to stock up this time of year. I got 6 rolls of batting-the last they had in the store. I had to get 2 store associates to climb on top of all of the boxes in the store room to get them down for me. The store wasn't as bad as I had though and I saw a friend there. She said she had been there since 6:15 and had a big pile of fabric and was just heading out. I got there at 8:15am.
I checked and they were all out of the Accuquilt cutters in the store. They were also out of a lot of the other doorbuster stuff too, but still had a lot of the flannel.
I came home and pulled a big bag of flannel from the garage. A friend had given it to me about 3 months ago. I almost forgot about it. I love having friends.
SO, now you have to wait, along with me, to find out if I did indeed get a Go! cutter. My birthday is December 21. The countdown begins. Maybe I will still win one before then. Or maybe Accuquilt will see how much I still want one and pick my blog for a giveaway :) Wouldn't that be fun?