Monday, June 10, 2013

My first bucket

I pulled the first bucket off the shelf two days ago and started working through it.  Wouldn't you know it was the strings bucket.  That thing is going to take me forever!  There must be 1,000 foundation squares cut and about 50 started string blocks.  I've been working for 2 days on the blocks and have the started ones done and ready to trim.  Not sure how many there are, but will have them cut this morning and ready to lay out for a quilt top.  I have a HUGE bucket of strings.  What's the chance I can use up both the foundation blocks and the strings this summer?  yeah, I didn't think so.  But it is good for mindless sewing.

And the bag, that is Christmas stockings for the troops.  I've got a head start for this Christmas :)

1 comment:

Kasey said...

Every time I start to use my strings, I swear they have multiplied by the time I'm done- there's never a dent in the bag!
Good luck making a dent in the bucket. Strings are like the bunnies of fabric... they just keep multiplying!