Monday, October 13, 2014

twin quilts

 I got two quilts quilted this weekend.  That is a miracle in itself.  Things just move slower now that school is in full swing.
 It's cool because they are twins.  Which meant I loaded the backing fabric and was able to just pop them on the frame one after another.  That's most likely why both got done.  Plus, I was procrastinating from grading lab books.  I'm just so lazy!  I have six books done and 23 more to go.  Ugh.  Why do they take so long and why did I wait so long to start them?
I figured they would be a quick grade, but now that I'm reading them, they just don't make any sense.  Maybe I need some warm, home made cookies.  Everything is better with home made cookies.  Surely that would make the grading go faster.  You see how I justify wasting my time on the weekends?  I even cleaned my kitchen counter tops.  You know I'm desperate to not grade something if I choose cleaning over grading!   My helper Alyssa would be so disappointed in me for procrastinating so much.  She is so good at getting things done and I've learned so much from her helping me.  She can grade a stack of papers like nobody's business.  She just starts and in minutes it is done.  She doesn't let anything distract her.  Oh, look, fabric :)


Carol Swift said...

I don't have papers to grade, but fabric always distracts me from anything else. Your twin quilts are so the colors!

Farm Quilter said...

I remember bringing home 6 hours of paper grading every weekend when I was a long-term sub in a 5th grade class. Totally the pits!!! Guess that's one reason why I ended up teaching a self-contained special ed class that learned life skills and rarely did paper work that I had to grade!!! Thanks for reminding me of another reason to be grateful for the path my career took. Ahhh, but I did love that 5th grade class!!!