Sunday, June 15, 2014

twin size quilts

 working on some bigger quilts before I leave for my trip to Colorado tomorrow.  They take longer, but take a bigger bite out of the backing fabric I have around here.  500 more of these size quilts and you may see a dent in the fabric.  Too bad I can't quilt 24/7.  I was talking with my daughter about how I need more storage space around here.  She said I just need to stop taking donation fabric.  Ohhhh, I don't know if I could do that.
Yesterday my daughter and I went thrift store shopping and I picked up about a dozen sweaters to make dog beds for the shelter.  I have so many bags of tiny scraps for stuffing and now have no excuse to use those up.  If I can make one a day, I will donate them towards the end of the month.

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