Monday, June 20, 2011

The hostages were released!

At least that is what it felt like when I checked the status of the packages. Released! In transit! The boxes of quilts are on their way. Should be tomorrow when they reach their final destination. So exciting! My heart is racing :) I just wish I could be there to see the faces of the kids when they get the quilts.

I was asked to write a short note to explain the culture of quilting in the United States. Short note explaining quilting? Let's see, we take perfectly good fabric, cut it up into small pieces, spend hours sewing it back together. We are insane. How's that?

They are going to translate it into Japanese and give it to each person who receives a quilt. How cool is that? I used Google Translate to translate one sentence into Japanese and it took up a whole lota space. I can't imgaine translating a whole paragraph...that I wrote! I'm walking on air today. I just hope the migraine doesn't come back..grrr.

Jun 20, 2011 2:16 PM
International shipment release
Jun 20, 2011 2:16 PM
In transit
Jun 16, 2011 6:15 PM
Clearance delay
A written statement indicating the end use of goods or reason of importation is required.
Jun 16, 2011 12:44 PM
In transit
Package available for clearance

1 comment:

Kasey said...

HOORAY! So glad the quilts will soon be comforting those who need it. Keep up the good work- you're an inspiration!!!