Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Too much fabric?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Cross Country

I was really glad to come home to the air conditioner and my son couldn't have been happier to hit the shower!
Monday, September 27, 2010
What is a blog hop?
Here's one with lots of tips for using your Accuquilt GO! cutter. I don't have one YET, but one day hope to get one.
Join in the fun.
state of my stash
Sunday, September 26, 2010
163 quilts!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
What was in those boxes?
another Go! giveaway
check it out. If I don't break down and buy one today at the demonstration at JoAnn's, I'm still hoping to win one out there in blogland.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Just a little heart attack
Well, when I got there, he wasn't on the playground. Sometimes, he hangs out in the classroom. I was taking some girls from the tennis team to a match and sent a couple girls in to look for him. They couldn't find him. So, I got out and we all started looking for him. The office called him over and over. The teachers were looking for him, the principal was looking for him and I was asking everyone if they had seen him. I was amazed that I remembered what he was wearing today.
I started calling the parents of his friends to see if for some strange reason they thought they were supposed to pick him up. Both of the ladies that he sometimes goes home with walk home and the first lady said, no, she hadn't seen him today. The second lady did not answer. I called and called, but I knew it took her a little bit to get home. I talked to his teacher and she was helping me with names of kids he plays with and we were about to call those parents, when I finally got ahold of the lady he goes to in the mornings.
She said that her two kids met her as she was walking to pick them up from school and they had my son with them. They said that I had a meeting and that my son had to come home with them. She said I hadn't told her that, but didn't know what to do with him and they were half way home so she took him home and then got the phone call from the school and from me.
I asked my son and he said he just wanted to play with his friends.
I am never going to be even one second late in picking him up again!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Quilt Shop

Monday, September 20, 2010
20 more followers. can you ask a friend?
More surprises!

Sunday, September 19, 2010
what size quilts?
100 quilts so far!
Nice surprises

Sew Cute!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Amazing day
Jazz schedule
Friday night fun
Friday, September 17, 2010
Have you seen this website?
I just discovered this website tonight. Every free quilting pattern that exists on the internet. Wow. This should keep me busy for quite some time! Hope you can use something you find here to keep you out of trouble too...or maybe get you in more trouble for buying more fabric or starting a new project when you really need to finish an old one :)
Getting close!
If you haven't clicked the follow button, but read my blog regularly, please click and follow me today :)
even more
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Mr. President
one of THOSE days?
I teach full time. 99.9% of the time I LOVE my job. But, not when I have a migraine. I usually get several migraines a month. They are way more under control than when I was younger. They started after my first child was born. Just one of the many gifts she has given me along the way :) At least I don't ever think I will get grey hair from her. It just isn't in my genes. My dad's hair turned platinum blonde as he ages so I think mine will turn white or get more blonde instead of going grey.
But, back when I first started getting migraines, I would get really sick. I would have to get in a dark room and be very quiet. I would have to lay down or I would throw up.
Now I am on a daily medicine which allows me to be able to still function when I get a migraine. Most of the time when I get a migraine, I can get rid of it just by taking ibuprofen, but not today.
And today we were working with microscopes. A bright light shining right into my eye is a sure trigger of a migraine.
I don't think any of my kids realized how much pain I was in because I still had them laughing, even in 6th period. I tell you sometimes I think I talk like the teacher in Charlie Brown. I swear I make perfect sense and then when I ask the kids to repeat what I just said, they look at me like I was speaking Japanese! Today I wanted to bang my head against the wall. They just laughed and instead of getting mad, I just laughed too. What else can you do but start over and talk slower and make fun of yourself when it seems like nobody is understanding. Tomorrow is another day.
I need to learn to let go of the things I have no control over, like not knowing I had three students who didn't speak English until yesterday because the teachers weren't given the list. I was so frustrated, but there isn't anything I can do about the past. I can only change the future. Now that I know they need extra help, I can put a student with them who speaks their language (except the Chinese girl) and talk a little slower so they can understand me easier.
And I can come home, put my feet up, watch a quilting DVD and drink a coke :) the caffeine helps the migraines sometimes.
tomorrow will be better
here they come!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
no time to rest
I LOVE the quilting on this one. I made this up by myself, probably put together from several other patterns I've seen in books and videos and on the internet. It started off as leaves on a vine and kinda turned into this pattern. This is one reason I love the quick stripie quilt from so much! I can practice these border patterns on a quilt and try new things.
And then when I don't really feel like getting fancy, I can just do something simple and it still looks great!
This one just had some loops and zig zags and it was quickly done. When you are trying to get 200 quilts done in a couple of weeks, you don't have time for fancy quilting.
I really need to get these quilts to Rhoda for binding. I'm sure she is finished up with the last batch and ready for more. Everyone needs a binding buddy like Rhoda!
Off to a school board meeting. My older son is the president of the Jr. Honor Society and has to give a speech tonight. No rest around here!
Follow me!
If I can get more than 100 followers (you know, click the follow button above this post) they said I could apply again for the giveaway. Let's see how quickly I can get 100 followers. Please :)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
quilts for San Bruno
Here's a link to a news article about the gas explosion that destroyed 53 homes and killed 7 people so far. They still have several people missing.
Binky Patrol is responding by making quilts and blankets for the families who have lost everything. We are going to be delivering the blankets to a church in San Bruno who will be able to the people in need.
Looks like I need to get busy. There are a lot of people in need of a warm, handmade hug.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How cool
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
hobby or obsession
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Time to Vote!
under the poll section (right side or bottom of the screen depending on which browser you are using) you will see Josh Mandel. He is the quarterback and happens to be my daughter's boyfriend.
Here's the link to the article about the big game this weekend.
We actually got to watch it on live streaming video which was really cool! It was a very exciting game and I know nothing about football! They won the game in overtime.
So, if you have a minute, could you please vote? He doesn't win anything but bragging rights for the week, but it is fun competition.
Thanks! Now, get back to quilting please.
perceived time vs. real time
Monday, September 6, 2010
another quick one
What percent of your time?
How would you answer those questions? I bet there are some people out there who only buy what they need for each project, never end up with any leftover scraps and finish what they start. Are they normal?
If I want to get a handle on things, I think I need to change the way I do my quilting. Since 99.9% of my quilts are for charity, I am given a lot of fabric. Most of it I do not seek out. But, sometimes I will see a post on Freecycle and ask for fabric. I bring in a lot of fabric every month. Way more than I can ever use. It is part of the feast or famine mentality. I think that one day the fabric supply will run out and I will have to only use what is here. I really haven't purchased any fabric in a very long time. I think the last time I bought fabric it was for a specific quilt (which is still waiting to be made) about 9 months ago. I've picked up a piece or two to finish up something which needed that perfect piece, but as you can see from most of my quilts, they are scrappy and are put together with what has been donated to me. My daughter helps pull the fabrics together and for her to be able to pull fabrics that go so well from the stash I have is a skill I will never posess. I don't know what I'm going to do when she goes off to college. In fact, I had better get her pulling fabrics for me for the next 2 years so I don't have to worry when she leaves :)
SO, at any given time, I have a bag or 10 or boxes of fabric in the front room and on the floor of the sewing room. I have boxes and buckets in the garage waiting to be sorted. I need a faster way of processing the fabrics once they are donated. I've started spending my Binky Patrol weekend (3 hours) just cutting fabric into 6 1/2 inch squares, 2 1/2 inch strips and 3 1/2 inch strips. I find these are the sizes of pieces I am using the most. I also use 6 1/2 inch, 3 1/2 inch and 1 1/2 inch strips for the stripie quilts, but those are cut from specific pieces of fabrics. When I'm ready to make quilt kits, I will have my daughter pull three fabrics that go together and then I will cut as many kits as I can stand. I think I have about 40 kits ready to sew. Most of these I give to other people to sew for me. They are a great beginner quilt because they are just straight seams and you really can't mess it up.
Lately I have been piecing tops more often. That's probably why I'm behind on the quilting and have so many quilt tops. I haven't really gotten too many tops from others lately. I've challenged myself to quilt two quilts before piecing a top. Let's see how long I can keep that up :)
Quilting should be fun, so I don't believe in too many rules, but there has to be some sort of order around here. Things are just starting to get out of control!
Today's goal is to quilt 6 quilts. I doubt I will get half of that done. I'm working on piecing a top right now and my little guy has a friend over and my daughter is off to make jewelry with a friend and then has tennis lessons, so who knows where the day will go from here, but there's always tomorrow :)
PS. clean your sewing machine! Mine was sucking the fabric into the hole and I took the coverplate off and pulled out so much lint from around the feed dogs. I don't remember the last time I cleaned it, but it has been more than 6 months and I sew a lot. Now it sounds different and sews so much better! Took 5 whole minutes and is not giving me any troubles! Why didn't I do this a month ago?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
one more tonight
Getting things done anyways
And finally, after my nap and folding about 20 loads of laundry, I got this one quilted. I think this is about the shortest time I have had a quilt top sitting around. I made this one about 2 weeks ago to try out a new pattern. Most of the time the quilts need to age a bit. I'm still trying to find the bucket of quilt tops I hid in the garage when my daughter's boyfriend came for a visit this summer. I sure did a good job of hiding them because I have looked and looked and still can't figure out where I put them. Ugh.