Thursday, December 31, 2009
Final quilts of 2009
Out with the old
The quilting room is looking better than it did this time last year, although there seems to be more fabric in there. Not quite sure how that happened as I really don't remember buying much :) I do think I brought a lot in from the garage and shed and hope this upcomingyear to bring the rest in, which means I have to use up a whole bunch. That shouldn't be too much of a problem at the rate I went through fabric this year. If I figure each quilt takes an average of 5 yards of fabric and I quilted about 175 quilts (counting what I plan to get done today) that's 875 yards of fabric used this year. Give or take a couple of yards. Wow, that's a lot of fabric. And you can't tell I used any.
I'm going to sit today and make some goals for the new year, take down the Christmas tree and start cleaning the boys' room. If you don't hear from me, please send help. I may get burried in there. Don't worry, I probably won't starve to death. I'm sure I will find plenty to eat, although I'm sure it is old and moldy.
Tonight we are having 'family game night' and will jump into the New Year.
Wishing you the best for 2010.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Fixed it
Monday, December 28, 2009
Scrap Using Strip Quilt
Sunday, December 27, 2009
So frustrated
Maybe I should go sort quilt books and magazines instead. That won't hurt my brain as much and the quilt will still be there tomorrow. It's just frustrating to not be able to do what you want when you want to.
I HATE migraines
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Progress in the sewing room
Friday, December 25, 2009
It's Christmas
The sewing room is almost moved back to somewhat of an order and the quilting frame is back together. I'm hoping to put a quilt on it later and quilt something. I haven't quilted in a long time and I need to feel like I'm being productive on my vacation. I can't believe we have been out of school for a week now.
For my birthday, my husband got me an mp3 player. I didn't really want one, but he insisted that I should have it and now that I have loaded some church sermons on it, I can sit and sew and listen and I am really enjoying having it. I downloaded some sermons from my old church and am looking forward to listening to my old pastor.
We are having ham and turkey today because the kids couldn't decide on one. I figure if I cook both today, I won't have to cook for a while. I made a roast beef last night and so there will be plenty of leftovers for the rest of the week I think. That means more time for sewing :) Ain't I smart?
I hope today finds you all healthy and happy and full of joy.
Christmas blessings to all.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Feeling Clever

Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Birthday to ME!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
So worth it
Here is a link to the pictures of all of the quilts we worked on so hard this summer being passed out to the children at a special needs orphanage in Kazakhstan. Just seeing the faces of these children and young adults as they each get their own quilt makes my heart leap for joy. All of the work that went into each of the quilts is so worth it. Knowing that these kids have something to call their own and to snuggle under each night...oh.
I want to get in the sewing room now more than ever and get to work. This set of pictures couldn't have come at a better time. I start vacation today for 16 days and have great plans for working through a bunch of quilts. Yipee! I'm floating on air!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Last minute Christmas gifts
This is what I am attempting to do before Friday. Nothing like waiting until the last second to get some Christmas gifts done for co-workers! They are Christmas napkins. I'm headed to JoAnn's today for some gold sparkly serger thread and Fray Check. Too bad I didn't think of this on the weekend when I had a zillion 50% off coupons. Oh, well...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The weather outside is icky so it is a good day to stay inside and get some work done. Hoping to get the house presentable in a few hours so I can have some time for quilting. I made a couple of fleece blankets last weekend for my daughter's boyfriend's birthday yesterday, but other than that, I haven't had much crafting time. The sewing room is a disaster. It always turns into the dumping ground when I'm not in there working all of the time. That is a top priority this weekend so I can be very productive this coming vacation. One more week of work and then I'm off for 2 weeks. We just had a week's vacation 2 weeks ago...oh, the life of a teacher :)
Well, off to get some donuts this morning...need that extra energy for working all day. Hope to have something interesting to report soon.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
15 mintes

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
wasted time and energy
Today things just weren't going the right way either. More wasted time and energy. My shoulders are sore and cramping, like I just got beat up. I just get so frustrated and angry when things aren't right in the world and I know how to fix them, but nobody will listen to my ideas. Then, after everything falls apart and people come along and say, hey, you had a good idea, I start banging my head into the walls and say, I have been saying this all along! More wasted time, more frustrations.
So, no quilting. I have a quilt top ready to go, just no backing for it yet. I started cutting up some nice pieces, but that will take more time and efforts and thought and I just don't have that right now. Maybe tomorrow will be a less stressful day. I need to learn to just let these things that I have no control over go and relax, knowing that God is in control, not me. I'm a slow learner.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
New goals
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Doing some math
So, anytime people talk math to me now, my mind shuts down. Hubby talks about how much money we have in the checking account and I nod and smile and hum and think about something else, like chocolate. Then, when I think he is done when his mouth stops moving, I change the subject.
Well, this morning I woke up thinking about math. Scary. I was thinking about how much fabric I have and how long it would take to use it all up.
I have in the house (because we don't want to talk about the garage or shed) 25 crates full of fabric. I figure there is about 50-100 yards of fabric in each of the crates. I am guessing that much because one time a lady gave me boxes of fabric that she had carefully measured. Each box had about 60 yards in it. Each of those boxes would easily fit into one of the crates. Some of the crates are packed full--so more than 60 yards and some are only half full, so less than 60 yards. So, let's say each crate has an average of 75 yards of fabric in it.
Doing some math here, let's say there are 75 yards times 25 crates, that gives me 1875 yards of fabric in the house. The quilts I make are for kids. An average quilt takes 4 yards of fabric, for the front and back and binding. Some take more, some take less. I can get about 468 quilts out of the fabric that is sitting here in the house, assuming that all of the fabrics go together :)
This year, I made almost 200 quilts. I had help from lots of friends, but using up the fabric here in the house, it would take just over 2 years to use up all of this fabric. That isn't very long. However, I made 200 quilts this year. That means I should have used up half of this fabric in the house! But I didn't! I have probably twice what I had last year. How is that possible?
I have a couple of theories. First is the loaves and fishes theory. Remember the story about Jesus and the little boy? Jesus was out talking to the people on the hillside and they got hungry. The disciples said to Jesus to send the people away so they could get something to eat. Jesus said that he would feed the people, but the disciples said they didn't have enough food. Jesus took the small lunch that the little boy offered and broke it. The more he gave away, the more there was to give. The more fabric I use up, the more gets donated to be used.
The second theory is that the fabric is like rabbits. When you turn the lights out, it multiplies in the dark.
Either way, I'm going to keep using up the fabric as fast as I can, making room for more fabric to appear and thanking God that I have the talents and enjoying every minute of this journey. Sometimes I get discouraged that I can't do enough fast enough, but when I look back over the past year and see how many quilts I have made and think that each one of those quilts have been given to someone to warm not only their body, but their heart, it gives me energy to put another quilt on the machine. Just one more, and then another and another.
A video for you to listen to and think about this morning.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday addiction

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wendy, don't look


Tuesday, November 24, 2009
cast came off
We treated ourselves to Cold Stone ice cream. After all, it was a traumatic experience for mom too you know!
Monday, November 23, 2009
last thing on the list
And I am even giving away a big box of strange fabrics on Freecycle that were in the sewing room to a lady who is planning on making things for her kids like costumes and purses so it is a win/win. I get more room for more fabrics and she gets new things to play with.
Today I took a dozen quilts to Carla for binding and brought home about 50 finished quilts. I didn't realize I was bringing home quilts, I thought I was just dropping off quilts that needed work so was very surprised to be filling my van with so many finished quilts.
I've quilted 2 quilts today and feel like I have my groove back again and boy does it feel good.
My oldest is on her way to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with her boyfriend's family. Last year I cried when she didn't come home. This year, I'm happy for her. What a difference a year makes.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
My mom's quilts

Saturday, November 21, 2009
They are driving me crazy
Today was a great first day off. I quilted a quilt, cut some fabric into squares, sewed a whole bunch of fabrics together for backings for more quilts, went to the quilt store and picked up a pattern for some super cute Christmas stockings and got a lot of other things done that I had been wanting to do. Of course, I'm worn out, but it feels so good to have the energy back to be able to work again on things that I've been wanting to do.
I'm going to get my daughter working on quilts for the wounded soldiers and the Quilts of Valor this week so I have been cutting out lots of blues. Just 8 1/2 inch squares so the quilt tops should go together quickly. The more I work, the fluffier the fabric gets because I'm not seeing any of the stash going away. But I've decided that I need to get busy and get working on trying to get some of the stash reduced to make room for more :) It is always nice to get some new things to play with.
Off to make dinner.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
finally finished something

Friday, November 13, 2009
400th post?
Tomorrow, son #1 has a lego robotics tournament, so I don't think I will get anything done, but maybe Sunday???
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
so proud
I'm glad my husband was there, because he had a really cool head and was able to diffuse the situation. I was just going to pop her one (not really, but I could have) and he had everyone laughing when it was all done. It still upsets me that they called my kid names because they lost, but it's really sad that another person is being raised to think that this is an acceptable way to live and treat other people.
I was just so proud of my daughter for keeping her cool under pressure and not letting this girl, her mother and the other team get the best of her. I learned a thing or two from her today.
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's Friday
Saturday, October 31, 2009
today might be the day
So, this morning I'm off to the fabric store to find a pattern and fabric to make a Daphne dress for my #2 daughter. We can't seem to decide on any costume until the last second. She is going to a friend's for a sleepover tonight and everyone is going to be a different Scooby Doo character. Since she already has the red hair, it was a simple choice. Now, just to figure out how to put a zipper in...
Hoping to keep feeling better and be posting more often again!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Goodbye Tiger
of almost 16 years died yesterday. I found out 3 weeks ago that she had cancer and there wasn't much the vet could do. He wanted to do surgery and remove the tumor, but I'm sure it had already spread because she was losing weight and not moving around much anymore. It was a very sad end to a very bad weekend.
I'm still feeling weak from being sick for so long. I got sick the day I found out she had cancer and can't seem to shake whatever is making me sick. I got tested for the flu/swine flu and the test came back negative. Today the doctor wants to do a chest x-ray, bloodwork and urinalysis to see what else is going on. This weekend, I slept 15 hours on Saturday and then Saturday night slept 12 hours more. I tried to vacuum the hallway upstairs and had to take a nap because I was so tired.
I feel better this morning, maybe the stress of the sick cat was getting to me and I didn't realize it.
Tiger was not the best cat in the world. She would pee on clothes if you left them out and scratched up the couch, but she went through a lot with me. I got her when I had my first miscarriage. I had to drive all over the world to find her because there weren't any kittens around at the time I wanted one. I finally found her at a pet store in Sacramento, near the zoo. She was about 3 or 4 months old at the time. I paid $35 for her for the adoption fee . They put her in a cardboard box for me to take home and on the way home, she got out and was running all around the car when I was driving on the freeway. I almost named her Trickster. The first few months were rough because she wanted to play at night and would keep my daughter awake by jumping on her face in the middle of the night. I had to lock her in the bathroom at night and then she would meow. She has always been 100% indoors and was so afraid to go outside. You could leave the doors wide open and she would never go out. Sometimes, if she wasn't feeling well, she would sneak out and get a bite of grass and come in and throw up in the middle of the floor, but she was always so afraid to be outside.
She didn't like to be held, or petted too much. She would meow and hiss at you if you scratched her in the wrong place, but she never bit anyone. I think she just liked to talk a good talk and scare people.
I will miss you Tiger.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
swine flu is kicking my butt
Saturday, September 26, 2009
happy Saturday
I sent her some cookies last week. Now that she has a car, she doesn't need me to send anything else because she can just drive to WalMart and pick up whatever she needs, but she doesn't have access to an oven, so home made baked goods still remind her to call home every once in a while.
Hope to be back later with something to show for the day.
Things have been busy with grading papers all week long. I'm still trying to figure out how to get more work done in the same amount of time without going crazy. So far, it isn't working :)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
something different
Here's a link to what my oldest is up to in college. She is back to playing tennis again and having lots of fun. Wish I could be there to watch her. I just found out that she got a job teaching tennis to kids who are home schooled and having fun doing that. She has always been really good with younger kids.
another weekend
We had back to school night this week too. Just more added stress and longer day. But there was a really good turnout of parents and that helps explain why I have such great kids this year.
I'm hoping to get some quality quilting time this weekend and some time to unwind and relax. The weather is very strange. It was over 100 degrees yesterday and this morning looks like it could rain. We had rain las weekend too. Strange!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Quilting progress