I need your opinion please. I'm trying to talk myself into making a decision about this weekend's plans and I can't decide if I should stay or go to the Stitches West convention in Santa Clara. It is about 1 1/2 hours from here, so a good drive for me. I enjoy the time away from the kids and the time with yarn and fiber and looking at all of the books and things made with wonderful yarns. I went a few years ago and met Lily Chin, the world's fastest crocheter. I wanted to be her one day and can almost beat her record, when I am at home on the couch. She was very nice and very encouraging. I hunted her down after one of her classes and went right up to her and introduced myself. She even invited me to come up to her hotel room to get her autograph on her latest book, but I just bought it right there, so she could autograph it for me. I didn't get a picture with her because they didn't allow cameras in the auditorium. From what I've read, she isn't going to be there this year.
So, it would be fun to go, but I really don't have the money to spend on yarn this year, and I could save the 3 hours of driving and just go to the local yarn shop and buy some yarn if that is what it is all about. I would be supporting the local economy too, and have more time for quilting.
I think the allure is in the massive exposure to all that is out there. The books, patterns, yarn, people...overstimulation of the senses. I would come home with new enthusiam and new projects that would never get completed.
Or, I could stay home and actually work on something that needs to be done.
How many of you love to go to conventions, either quilting or fiber and get excited when they come to your area? How many of you go on the March Quilt Shop Hop? I think that is coming up quickly too. I haven't done that one either, but I know there are busses you can take that will drive you over 1/2 the state of California from one shop to another. I just can't see the thrill of that one. Most of the quilt shops I've been in have the same fabrics and books, arranged differently maybe. Some are bigger than others, but I couldn't imagine going from one quilt shop to another all day long on a bus with other people. Maybe if they had a class on the bus while you were driving?
Has anyone done this? Was it fun?
Here's a link to the Stitches West and other Stitches events throughout the US.
http://www.knittinguniverse.com/flash/events.php Maybe there is one where you live and you can go for me and tell me how fun it was. I think I will just stay home and have a virtual Stitches convention in my own sewing room. I can pull out my buckets of yarn and set up a 'shop' and pick out a new project to work on.
Of course, it is only Wednesday, so I may change my mind 3 times before Saturday.