Sunday, February 27, 2011
A dinner fairy?
Well, maybe not a real fairy, but this place looks like it could help with meal planning and saving some money. Around my place we have spaghetti at least 3 times a week. My family always knows when I'm not feeling well because spaghetti is my go to meal when I don't feel good. It is quick, easy and a no brainer. In fact, I'm teaching my 13 year old son and 15 year old daughter how to make spaghetti because it is so easy. Brown the ground turkey, cook the pasta, open a can of spaghetti sauce, pick a can of vegetables and dinner is ready.
When my oldest was home for Christmas, she decided that for winter term she wanted to learn to cook. I got her a bunch of cookbooks for Christmas and we started making different recipes out of them. We made all sorts of things and she was surprised that I knew how to follow a recipe and actually cook really good food. Yeah, I can cook, but usually don't. That's pretty sad.
OH, and the migraine won't go away.
If I thought the doctor would actually do something, I would go back, but I'm frustrated that they either don't have anything to try or don't want to try anything else. I see the neurologist on Friday so I'm hoping that he has more options. I'm tired of being in pain. And I don't know what else to do. I just keep taking more and more drugs. I had a friend who used to suffer from migrianes about 15 years ago. They gave her some kind of drug that she used to self medicate. It was on a pump and she just kept pumping and pumping and overdosed and died. I'm afraid to take too much of anything they have prescribed for fear of overdosing. :(
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Even with a migraine
Friday, February 25, 2011
Do you need some quilting done?
She will quilt your quilts for you, ship them back to you and you will love her work. She is super fast and really does a great job!
Once the word get out that she is in business, she will have a list a mile long so hurry and get your quilts to her before there is a waiting list!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Golden Globes, Grammies, What about Quilters?
SewCalGal is having a Golden Quilter Award. Check out her blog and take a minute to think about the categories to nominate. Of course, I would pick my mom for the best teacher, quilter and all around most influential quilter in my world, but I'm not so sure she would get the most votes!
Who would you pick in your little part of the world? There are lots of great prizes
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Do you know what this is?

I need your help please
Here's the link Fresh and Easy Contact Page
I found out about a new store that is opening in my city, Vacaville, Ca. Whenever this store opens, they give away $1,000 to a local nonprofit organization.
I need your help to see if they will give that money to the Vacaville Binky Patrol. Normally, I don't take money for my Binky Patrol group because I don't like handling money and having to deal with the paperwork involved. But, $1,000 is a lot of money and would go a long way to buying something special for our group.
I'm already dreaming about things our group could spend the money on. Maybe getting a Studio fabric cutter ( I have Go! fabric cutter and love it for cutting fabric quickly and accurately. But, the Studio fabric cutter cuts more layers and would really cut the fabric for the Binkies at a much faster rate.
Or, maybe getting a serger would be a good purchase for the group. I have a lot of knit fabric and could make a LOT of baby hats for the newborns at the hospital. I have a serger and used to make baby hats, but my serger is on the fritz and has been giving me nothing but troubles. Having a working serger would be a good investment.
Or, maybe getting more batting for all of the quilts Carla, Jenny and our newest quilter (who purchased Carla's old quilting machine) are cranking out would be a good investment.
In any rate, getting the $1,000 is the first step.
So, how can you help?
First visit the website for the Fresh and Easy store. Click on the Fresh and Easy link to take you to the nomination page.
For the store location, pick the Vacaville location
Organization name: Vacaville Binky Patrol
Organization Phone Number 707-446-6028
Contact Name at Organization Marilyn Lewis Area Coordinator
Organization Address 425 Kirby Ct, Vacaville, Ca 95687
Organization Website
Organization Email
* Tell us about the organization and why it's importantto the neighborhood. (150 words or less)
Anything you want to say here would be great. I just told them that we have donated thousands of quilts since we started in February 2004. We donate locally to NorthBay hospital, Solano Child Protective Services and Nurse Family Partnership. We have sent quilts around the world to Lousiana after Hurricane Katrina, to San Bruno after the gas pipe explosion and to Kazakhstan and Rwanda to orphanages. Anywhere there is a need of a tangible hug, we try to meet that need with a warm quilt.
The store is opening in about a week or two so the quicker you can fill out the nomination form, the better.
Thanks! I know there are some great causes locally and I have some stiff competition and my chances are pretty slim, but it would be great just to be nominated.
Thanks friends!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Glasses, Who Needs Em?
And I'm very depressed about it. I've been having those stupid migraines and I decided that I should have my eyes checked. The last time I had my eyes checked I had 20/15 vision. That's pretty much x-ray vision baby. Well, today I had my eyes checked and sure enough I still have 20/15 vision and can see through to your underwear. By the way, your mom was right. You should put on clean underwear when you go out in public. People notice!
But, for reading, I need glasses.
That's not what is causing my migraines. Nobody knows what is causing that. But, sometime between the age of 38 and 45 a person's eyes begin to change. I'm not turning 38 for another 13 years, so I will let you know when that happens to me! But, I guess now that I'm in that age range, I guess the inevietable happened to me.
After the eye doctor told me that I would benefit from wearing reading glasses, only for reading (which I never do) but maybe when I do sewing or quilting or knitting or crocheting or any other up close activity which I do quite often, he took me into the room where they have a zillion and one frames for OLD people. I tried on the first pair and broke into hysterical laughter. They made me I couldn't stop laughing. These people thought I had lost my mind.
I really wanted to cry, but I thought laughing would be the better option.
I tried really hard to be practical and pick a pair that didn't make me look stupid. I'm never going to wear them so it doesn't really matter anyways.
Only old people wear glasses. At least that is what I keep telling myself. 25 year olds don't wear glasses. People who keep having theri 25th birthday over and over again don't wear glasses. I'm.not.old.
I pick up my glasses in 10 days.
I'm OLD. I just hope the pinching glasses don't give me migraines. I can't wear sunglasses because they give me migraines.
I'm going off to have a good cry now.
See you in 10 days.
Monday, February 21, 2011
making more quick strippies for her super great pattern. Not sure what our Binky Patrol group would do without this pattern!
I got together with my friend Carla today (who still needs to post about her new quilting machine...) and we sorted fabric for more of these great quilts. We worked for 2 hours picking fabrics and got probably 100 quilts picked out and I could not see a dent in either of our fabric stashes. How could that be?
Then, I came home and started organizing my fabric. Carla really has her stuff organized well and mine is a mess. Some is on shelves, but it isn't folded well. So, my daughter says, well, why don't you just fold it and sort it then? Oh, like it is just that easy?
So, I started. I have the whole week off and nothing better to do right? Besides a dentist apt and eye doctor apt tomorrow that is. At least part of it will get folded before it gets used up anyways.
Thanks again Mary! Loving your quick strippie pattern and so are the kids who get these quilts.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
California All State Honor Band
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Basics Charity Challenge
Check out this blog and see what basics your local women's shelter or homeless shelter is in need of and maybe win some prizes. The best prize will be providing for the basic needs of another human being! Take a minute today to help someone else.
Jesus said in John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
I think he was talking about putting aside your own desires and wants for someone else. Taking a minute to stop and buy toilet paper for a stranger isn't on my to do list for the day and will definately put a dent in 'my time' but it laying down my life for another.
Friday, February 18, 2011
9 glorious days
Plenty of time for indoor and outdoor activities. Quilting, gardening, house cleaning.
9 glorious days!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
before and after
cat monkey
2 more
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
I won!
I never win! But today I won a Go! cutter from SewCal Gal. Now, who to give it to? My mom, or my friend Carla?
My mom is a super fabulous quilter and I will call her first and see if she wants a new toy.
What a nice surprise.
Thanks Accuquilt!
UPDATE: I called mom and she said "Oh, I would love one, thanks for thinking of me!" Of course I thought of you first! You are my mom :) Enjoy mom!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
pray for me!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
still one of my favorites
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Quilt day pressure is a good thing
Nothing like having a deadline to light a fire under my behind and get me in the sewing room! My friend Carla had a quilt day today. I couldn't make it because my daughter had a tennis tournament in Modesto. That's a story for another day, but when I asked Carla what she needed from me, she asked if I had any quilts that needed binding. You see, Rhoda, the Binding Beast was coming and would need something to keep her busy :)