but I took them with my camera phone today in my backyard. Flowers in February. In my backyard. Nobody told these flowers it is the middle of winter. Nobody told the weather it is supposed to be cold. I think it was about 80 degrees today.
In life there are many seasons and I seem to be in the middle of winter, with a stomach ache that won't quit. I went to the doctor again today and they are running more tests to check for liver and pancreas troubles and tomorrow they will be doing an ultrasound on the liver, pancreas, aortic artery and gall bladder. The doctor switched my meds again to Prilosec in case it is an ulcer and even suggested perhaps I talk to a shrink about the stress in my life.
But, in the middle of my winter, I can see the flowers God has placed in my path. This week, we have been off week due to budget cuts. Yes, it is stressful, but it is a blessing getting this time to deal with medical issues and to rest and watch as much of the Olympics as my family can stand! They do not share my passion with the Olympics and will leave me to watch in peace. I sit and crochet and fall asleep sometimes and get some much needed rest.
Yesterday, my #2 daughter broke a tooth while chewing gum. It was a tooth that had a big cavity in it long ago and finally gave way. It had a filling, but was weak. I was able to take the time to get her right in to the dentist because I have the whole week off.
I'm also starting to exercise because my older son has homework for school where he has to do cardio every day over the vacation and needs a workout buddy. I know I need the endorphins as stress relief and he needs the company. We make a good team.