This is the whole gang, minus my sister and my husband. The guy on the far right, hiding behind my daughter is my mom's cousin from Germany. His English was better than our German, but we tried our best to communicate. The funniest part of the trip was when my mom gave him a root beer instead of a real bear. He opened it, took a drink and said, 'what is this root beer?' My daughter tried to explain what root beer was. He didn't like it one bit! We all had a good laugh at my mom :)
Saturday, July 31, 2010
more vacation photos
This is the whole gang, minus my sister and my husband. The guy on the far right, hiding behind my daughter is my mom's cousin from Germany. His English was better than our German, but we tried our best to communicate. The funniest part of the trip was when my mom gave him a root beer instead of a real bear. He opened it, took a drink and said, 'what is this root beer?' My daughter tried to explain what root beer was. He didn't like it one bit! We all had a good laugh at my mom :)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Back from vacation
Sunday, July 18, 2010
San Francisco trip
Thursday, July 15, 2010
What motivates you?
Monday, July 12, 2010
Going to Town!
Tomorrow I'm going to drop off quilts that will go over to Rwanda with a friend and pick up more finished quilts and drop off binding for these and other quilts. I love having helpers so I can get so much done. Now if only a cleaning fairy could come and pick up after me. You should see the mess in the sewing room. That has to be picked up before company comes over :)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
It was the FOOT!
So after fixing my friend's machine yesterday I came home and thought about mine. I thought and thought and couldn't figure how the frame could be affecting the stitches and thread breaking. It just didn't make any sense.
I looked up on the internet and found a sewing machine shop in the same town my daughter had a tennis tournament today. Happy coincidence or devine intervention? We stopped in after she won :) and I explained my troubles. The two ladies were very busy because I think they were having a class today. I'm definately going back when it isn't so busy. They had a lot of things I wanted to look at in there. The second lady to help me was very knowledgeable about machines and frames and thread. What I thought was very funny was the guy who fixed my machine recommended Aurafil thread. This lady said that Aurafil is terrible for machine quilting and will break every time. I always have to laugh at how different people are so opionated on their thread choices. She recommended Maxi Lock Serger thread. For $3.95 for a spool of thread, who can go wrong? I said I was willing to try anything.
Friday, July 9, 2010
A long wait

and started with King Tut. That is the best I own and I figured why not start with the best and strongest.
We started sewing on the practice fabric she still had on there from 3 years ago and wouldn't you know? The thing worked perfectly! We adjusted the tension just a little and the new combination of the bobbin in correctly and the new thread and we had a working quilting machine. Jenny was so happy.
She has been frustrated for 3 years. Made me not so frustrated with my own least until I got home and started playing with my machine again.
I switched to the Aurafil thread that was recommended to me and that worked well too. I did something wrong and didn't thread the machine correctly, so there were loops at first, but once we figured that out, there weren't any other problems. If you go to fast, or try to move the machine with the needle down, the thread will break, but at least that make sense.
It felt good to help out a friend and gave me some hope for getting my machine working again.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Wanting to buy

They are $399 online at places like so I'm hoping to find a used one.
I got my machine back from the shop again today and played with it. The guy at the shop said he used a whole bobbin and couldn't get the thread to break once. I had it on the frame and got through 3/4 of the quilt and then adjusted the frame to move it up and the thread broke every 10 inches. Sooooo frustrating.
Of course, what I really want is a real longarm, but unless someone wants to give me one :) there isn't a chance of affording one with three more kids to put through college. The great scholarship my oldest got has run out and they are not offering it anymore. She is covered, but the other three are on their own. Oh, well. We will make due with what has been provided and push on.
But, if you hear about anyone who wants to sell a quilting frame for a good price, please let me know!
SO, every day this summer I have been working in the garage and getting rid of things. I have sorted, cleaned, dumped and organized thousands of items. I am finally starting to see a dent in the pile of stuff out there. I am finally starting to see the floor.
I am so thankful for Freecycle. If you haven't heard of it, go to and search for your city. At first, I thought of Freecycle as a place to get things for free. Just what I needed, one more place to bring un-needed things into the house. But this summer, it has really been great for helping me find homes for all of the unwanted things I have been keeping for years.
I found a great lady who has taken all of the double knit fabric and all of the bottom weight fabric that I'm never going to use. I've been keeping it for years and even went out and bought storage buckets for it and had it nicely folded in the garage and never had a plan to use it. She also took the baby weight yarn that I just don't have the time for. I have at least 10 buckets of 4 ply yarn out there, waiting for me to find the time to get to. I'm hoping to bring some to my next charity crafting meeting and pass it along to people who will have more time to work with it.
About 7 years ago I thought I wanted to spin wool into yarn. I bought a spinning wheel, took lessons and bought fleece. Now, when I start a hobby, I really jump in. I didn't just buy one fleece and spin that. Oh, no. I bought probably 5 fleece. For anyone who knows anything about spinning wool, it takes some time. Time to wash and time to card and time to spin. Some of the fleece got washed, some got carded and some got spun. Most was still out in the garage...until yesterday. It went to its new home. The lady was very happy to get these lovely fleece and I'm sure next summer I will be happy that I don't have to clean up the space again.
I have 5 weeks left of summer vacation. For some of you, this may be a long time. For me, time has gone by quickly. I don't want to spend the rest of my vacation a slave to the junk in the garage. I'm ready to finish this project and move on to having fun.
Hopefully, my sewing machine is back from the shop today and it works. If not, I'm going to buy a new machine. Either way I will be quilting before this summer is over :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I want to cry
Friday, July 2, 2010
The great garage cleanout
A lady is coming by this morning to pick it up. I will be starting a new pile again. I can't believe how much yarn I have. I've picked out the baby weight yarn and I think three of these black garbage bags are full of just that. I hope it gets used and turned into something practical.

Thursday, July 1, 2010
and more stripie quilts. I love quilting these because my machine can only do about 6 inches at a time and these have the perfect space for quilting. Takes about 15 minutes to quilt one of these guys after pinning. On and off the machine in under 25 minutes. Not bad. SO, why do I have so many quilt tops waiting their turn?
Here are 150 crochet squares I sent out to a lady in Ohio. She started a Binky Patrol group and was having a hard time getting volunteers. I remember those days. I had all of these squares sitting around and I don't really like sewing them together so she said she would take them and make them into blankets. She can probably get 3 blankets out of this bunch. I have so much yarn in the garage, I could probably make 1500 squares and still have yarn left.