Saturday, March 6, 2010

biopsy results

I got the news yesterday that the biopsy came back normal. I guess I should be happy that there is nothing seriously wrong, but that leaves me wondering what is wrong? Why is my stomach still hurting when the doctor can't find anything? The medicine she gave me for the pain only makes the pain in a different part of my abdomen. And I'm weak and shakey. I'm supposed to take it for 4-6 days to see if things improve. I sometimes think doctors try different things without knowing what they are doing...

Maybe I will get some sewing in today. I haven't done anything for a long time and I have some projects that I would love to start, but just don't have the energy or enthusiasm for. I just want to sit on the couch and feel sorry for myself.

But first I think I will go out and get a couple of scooters for my kids. I need to start walking and they could use some fresh air too. I'm also going to buy another bike pump. Every time we want to go for a bike ride, the tires are flat. I cannot tell you how many bike pumps I have bought in the last 20 years, but I can never find one when I need it. So, I do have plans for today, and maybe I will get something done.

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