It is important to take time for the important things in life. This morning I took some time to clean up the sewing room. After my son took pictures of the quilts yesterday I really saw how messy that room was. I walk through there every day and step over the piles on the floor, but never saw them until the pictures.
I need to take time for family. Yesterday I took my kids to WalMart where the Lego people were having a free giveaway. The catch was you had to sit down and make the lego crab before you could take it home. We sat down across from a dad with two small kids. You could tell it had been awhile since he had built anything with legos and he was having a really hard time. His son, who was about 6 wanted to help and the dad kept slapping his hand away and saying, no, we have to hurry. I will do this so we can go home. The daughter, who was about 4 had to go to the bathroom, NOW and that only added to the stress. My daughter had hers built in less than 5 minutes and helped my little guy build his. My son helped me and the guy across the table too. They left in the middle of building to take the little girl to the bathroom and we helped by finishing up their crab. For them, it wasn't the process or the memories, it was the end product that they wanted.
I am not pointing a finger, because all too often, I have been that dad, in a hurry to get somewhere instead of taking the time to just be with my kids, but he was a good reminder that all too soon, they will be grown and gone and then were will I be? Building legos by myself isn't as much fun and I would have been there for HOURS! (they really don't make the directions clear for us written instruction people)
Today is Sunday. Church is important. Not only hearing the Word of God today from my pastor's mouth, but being around the people of God as well. My pastor is going through a very difficult time. His mother is dying of cancer. They moved her and her husband (his dad) to live with my pastor's brother (who is also my doctor) on Friday. She only has a short amount of time left on this earth and is suffering greatly. To hear the words of a man who is going through the Valley of the Shadow of Death and still trusts in the Lord brings me comfort.
It is also important for me to keep up with the progress of the quilting ministry. Not only for me, but for all of the other people involved. I have had people who read this blog send me quilts from Florida and Alaska and Washington and I owe it to them to keep them informed as to how things are going. I need to remember to take the time to update.