Saturday, July 28, 2018

civic duty

I got this in the mail yesterday. Yes, it's a jury summons. Yes, I actually love doing Jury Duty. But, if you look at the date, you will see that it is August 21. That's the day before school starts for me. It's the second day of in-service. With my luck I would actually get called in and then picked for service and miss out on the first day and first week of school.

I am always surprised when teachers don't push off jury duty to one of our many vacation days. I'm trying to decide if I should try to call and get it moved to before we go back (which I don't know if they would move it to earlier than my scheduled date) or to either Thanksgiving or Christmas break. I just need to make a decision and do it.

I don't know why it is so difficult to make a decision, but not knowing the future is sometimes hard. My dad turns 87 in October and every day I get to talk to him on the phone is a gift. But I can't know what tomorrow will bring.

There was one time that I forgot I had jury duty and didn't call and didn't go in.  I remembered a couple of weeks later and totally freaked out. You know they put a warrant out for you if you don't show up and you are supposed to.

I asked the campus police officer if there was a warrant out for me and he checked and said I must have been released from my duty because nobody was looking for me. I was so relieved to find out that I wasn't going to get a fine or arrested and I've never failed to call in again!

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