Sunday, August 19, 2018

back to school

 Today my knee and shoulder are less sore to the touch, but are turning yellow. I guess that means they are healing, which is a good thing.
 It's the last day of vacation and tomorrow the fun begins. The kids don't come back until Wednesday, but there is always so much to get done before the kids come back. I'm always envious of the districts where teachers get a whole week to work in their classrooms. We get 2 days. And half of that time is inservice. That's why I spend weeks during the summer working in my classroom. Most people don't understand why I spend so much time working during the summer, but I want to be ready to spend my time working with the kids, not cleaning and organizing and getting ready. I want to be ready.
 My naked lady lilies are doing really well this year. I loved these flowers as a kid and bought them two years ago. I put them in this abandoned vegetable garden and they don't need any attention. They bloom without leaves and then the leaves come out after they are done blooming-hence the name-naked lady.
 One of us is more excited to be going back than the other...can you guess who?
I went in yesterday and put up this bulletin board. I printed out pictures from Facebook and other places where I could find of the teachers in my department. I have a little surprise planned for every day this coming week to welcome everyone back. The first week is the hardest.

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