Tuesday, June 16, 2015

top graduates


Here's an article about the top 12 students from my high school.  Mostly for my parents to read because my son is in there :)

It's funny what the kids say they will be doing in 10 years.  When we went to my husband's 10 year high school reunion, the senior class president got up to make a speech.  He said he was working as the manager of a very famous restaurant and right now they were having a sale on hamburgers, 2 for $1.  Yep, he was still working at McDonald's.  Probably not where he envisioned himself being 10 years after high school.

One of his other friends was a nobody in high school.  He had very few friends and got picked on a lot.  When the popular girls found out he was in medical school, suddenly he became one of the most popular guys at the reunion.  Everyone wanted to talk to Henry!  I laughed so much!  Of course, he was smart enough to realize they only wanted to talk to him because they realized he was going to be rich one day.

I'm reading a book now called The Best Yes, by Lisa Terkeurst and in it she talks about setting a course for the path you want to be on.  If you have a destination in mind, it makes the path much easier to plan.  I have lots of goals I want to accomplish, but some days do nothing about getting to them.  I want a clean house, but make no efforts to remove the junk that has piled up, or even go out and get more junk to add to the pile.  With a broken quilting machine, I keep getting more and more fabric that just gets added to the pile, with the hope of one day catching up.  I need to come up with a better plan while my machine is broken, which may include other projects to use up some of the non quilting fabrics.

I also want to be a runner.  Stop laughing!  Every time I run, I feel like I'm going to die!  Or, I wet my pants.  That just comes with having 4 kids.  But there are other old people who run.  And people who have had more kids than me who run.  Surely if I really want to run, I could do it.

I think about running.  I have running shoes.  I even own a pair of running shorts.  I just need to go out and try to run...every day.  I bet by the end of the summer I could run down to the mailbox :)  At least it's a start.  Maybe, one day, I will run a marathon.  Or, a 5K

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