Saturday, September 13, 2014

Starting the weekend off right

 Out this morning early before it got hot for a 3.3 mile walk.  We have the fields close enough that I can walk to in about 10 minutes and my dogs to keep me company.
 It was beautiful out this morninng.
 My little one was trying to figure out how to get down to the water in the canal to get a drink, but we made it home and she didn't die of thirst like she was trying to tell me.  They are both sleeping soundly now, happy for the experience.
These open fields will be houses in a year.  The area around us is growning so fast and all of these homes will be filled with students who will attend my school.  I have no idea where they are going to put them because we are full already.  They have built the school to double what it was when I first came here 15 years ago and it has filled up already.  There were 800 students when I got here and we are over 1700 now.  I can only imagine how many we will be when I retire in another 15 years.  If you build them, they will come.  We are the school of choice in the county and for many miles around.  The new housing areas even advertise they are part of our district on the first signs you see when entering the development areas.  Too bad there's no more room for your kid once you move in!  Minor problem I guess!

Maybe I will even get some quilting done this weekend. :)

1 comment:

Farm Quilter said...

You will certainly miss your fields for walking. I guess the population explosion is job security for you, but I would certainly hate to see those beautiful fields overtaken by housing developments! Guess that's why I live out in the country where I am surrounded by fields. Sounds like your district needs to build a couple more schools!