Monday, June 19, 2017

heading home

My daughter is graduated and partly moved into her apartment and we are headed back to Northern California to lol for a car for her. We will do some thrift shopping to find some things she needs like a set of dishes and a couple lamps. Towards the end of the week she and I will make the trip back down again to rent a uhaul to move the bigger pieces of furniture and do some grocery shopping. 
Her apartment complex is older. You can tell because of the mature landscaping but has recently been completely renovated. She and her boyfriend have a one bedroom 710 foot place and it looks huge now. I remember when my husband and I got our first place that was 800 square feet and how we thought it was humongous. That empty feeling lasted about 2 months and then I had every nook and cranny filled. My daughter isn't a hoarder like I am so she should fit better for longer. 



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