Monday, May 16, 2016

do you love tumbler quilts?

They are some of my favorites.  Of course, I have many favorites, but the ease of sewing these together and the great look of a scrappy or designed tumbler quilt just makes me happy.  My friend Nancy is a pro at putting these together and I just love sending her home with a huge pile of cut tumblers because I know she will return many, many quilt tops for me to quilt up.  I probably have another 20 to quilt.  I have a goal of 10 quilts a week until school gets out and I'm a little behind.  I find that if I load a quilt as soon as I take one off, I am much more likely to stop by on my way in and out of the house to get the next row quilted.  With the robotic quilting machine, you don't have to stand at the machine the whole time it is quilting, but it does take some babysitting when the bobbin runs out and at the end of every row.  At the quilt shop yesterday the ladies were looking at the fancy new machines and we decided we all wanted a quilting machine that would make us dinner while we sat and quilted.  I also want one that folds my laundry and puts it away!  After all these years, you would think someone would have invented a dryer that could at least fold the clothes for you.

1 comment:

Carol Swift said...

Your tumbler quilt is beautiful! I love to make them and I want a dryer that folds my clothes, too!