Friday, July 26, 2013

trying new quilting

 I went to pinterest and printed out some pictures of quilting pantographs and tried out a new quilting pattern on these two quilts. Not sure you can see it on the quilts, but I'm trying to stretch myself quilting wise,  I have never figured out how to follow a pantograph with my machine.  When I first set it up, I worked for a while to try and set up a way to follow a pantograph with a pencil or laser light or stylus and finally gave up after multiple tries.  Maybe it is time to try again.
This one I've done many times and I used it on this quilt to hold the many pieces of leftover batting together.  I always love using leftover batting because it feels like I'm getting it for free.  Free is good.

1 comment:

KaHolly said...

Practice makes perfect!!