Friday, July 3, 2009

Do Hard Things

It's the title of the book I'm reading. Yes, I'm reading a book. Really, the whole thing. I haven't read anything for a very long time. Just haven't had time to read a book, but this summer, I'm making time for reading again.

This book is written by twin teenage boys who challenge other teens to Do Hard Things. Go outside their comfort zone to make a difference and rise above the expectations the world has for teenagers. But, since I get confused for 25 all the time :) I decided it could apply to me too.

I've decided that the hard thing I'm going to do is keep my house company ready. For me, keeping up with the house work has been a really hard thing. I don't like cleaning and I have not been blessed with organizational skills. Decision making on the little things, like throwing away a piece of paper can paralize me so I just let things pile up on the kitchen table until it is not useable. I have made excuses for keeping the house messy forever and that is going to stop today. I have tried so many times in the past to do this hard thing, but starting today, with the help of God, I am going to Do Hard Things and work at it until it is done. Since it will be an ongoing process, I know that every day I will need to do something and work harder, but I know that my kids will be happier. They want to have their friends over and as they get older, they are bothered by the messes in the house. I also know that if I ask them to help, they are willing and now very able to help out as well.

So, come with me on this journey. What 'hard thing' can you join me in today?

Rom 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.


CynthiaDogMom said...

This sounds like the situation Sandra Feldman, founder of Messies Anonymous, was confronted with a long time ago. Check out her website (can't remember exact url; but Google will find her) and read at least one of her books for concrete help on getting the house into respectable shape. Not *perfect,* but perfectly respectable!

Jacky O said...

I think I need to do the same hard thing as you! But I am ready :) ! So we are both in the same boat! Of course my quilting stuff is part of my "mess"